The Lukas Library
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Max Gore Presents: Frog Belly Beans; 14 Deliciously Twisted Short Stories
Get ready to be a fly on the wall of some true oddballs and broken souls.
Here’s what readers are saying about Max Gore Presents: Frog Belly Beans; 14 Deliciously Twisted Short Stories:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | “An amazing book!” | “Unexpected and unique.” | “A d@mn good time.” | “A wickedly ironic read.” | “. . . well-developed characters . . .” | “. . . twisted endings you just don’t see coming.”
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Can’t wait to start signing copies of The Revenge of the Signifying Monkey in January 2022.
That’s a stock photo of how I imagine that moment will be, only no lemon in my Newcastle, please.