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F’N BROWNS FAN: 5/24/21 Let’s talk Browns, weekly

“Life involves suffering, in obvious and subtle forms.”

“A winner never whines.”

Sup, Dawg, I’m Mike, a F’N Browns Fan.

You probably are, too, or you wouldn’t be reading this.

Let’s talk about the Cleveland Browns, weekly.

I’ve never played or coached football for the Cleveland Browns or in the NFL or in college or in high school, but I’ve been following this F’N beautiful team since 1973.

Like you, I’m an F’N Browns Fan for life.

I grew up on the east side of Cleveland but now I live in Dallas, Texas and nobody here ever wants to talk about my favorite team.

So I’ve started this blog to chat about the Browns every week.

Hopefully with other F’N Browns Fans who love this team the way I do.

More than likely, I don’t know anything more about them or about the NFL or about football than you do.

I’m not here to teach or give insider insights or hot takes or to get likes or clicks.

I just want to talk about my F’N Brownies so I can fully enjoy this upcoming NFL season.

Our team is about to have one of its greatest seasons ever, and I want to hang out with other people who are just as excited about that as I am.

So once a week, I’m going to go through the latest of what I heard or learned about our Cleveland Browns.

Then I’m going to offer my unsolicited opinions on it.

Hopefully you’ll chime in and offer yours.

Be warned, though, like most proud Clevelanders, I’m a sarcastic smart ass who loves to crack wise and swing for the fences.

However, I do hate cheap shots, racist or sexist or anti-gay comments, and any level of cruelty.

But I love all you F’N Browns Fans because only we know what it takes to be a true fan of this team.

Even now with the superior coaching staff and front office and roster that the Browns have, it takes humility, patience, eternal faith, hope, and a big picture outlook to be a F’N Browns Fan for life.

2021 / 22 is going to be a Cleveland Browns season to remember.

Join me here once a week to celebrate this journey to the postseason and beyond.

That said, it’s the end of May and here’s just a couple things being said:

  • What’s this I keep hearing about trading Jarvis or OBJ for Julio Jones? Are you F’N kidding me? As good as Jones has been, he’s 32 and coming off a hamstring injury. Plus he has only ever played professional catch with Matt Ryan so it could take a while for he and Mayfield to find their timing. Not to mention I want to see what a healthy OBJ and Baker are like with so many other targets crossing the field around them.
  • Browns defense: upgraded. ESPN ranked the team seventh in its most recent power rankings and that says a lot about GM Andrew Berry and his staff’s performance this offseason. That is a lot of new guys working together (I heard nine new starters on D including a now healthy Grant Delpit) so it will be interesting to see what DC Joe Woods can do with such a talented group.
  • Browns among teams who skip voluntary offseason workouts – why is this a headline every season? Either make them mandatory or stop judging players for not wanting to risk getting hurt in the offseason. The worst is I’ve heard people muttering online about J.C. Tretter, the NFL Players Association president, saying his public views on skipping those voluntary workouts are keeping the Browns from gelling. Guy’s just doing his job, which is to protect a group of workers from being intimidated by the man.

F’N Questions:

  • Would YOU trade OBJ or Jarvis for Jones? Why?
  • How would you rank the current Browns defense? Offense? Team?
  • Should players attend the voluntary camps?

This is the most excited I’ve been in an offseason since 1999.

That was right before the F’N Browns overcame Art Modell’s selfish business moves and horrible legacy by returning to the league after three long Browns-less seasons.

Chime in below – looking forward to hearing what you have to say.

Woof woof!

F’N Mike

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