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How to use one minute of Mind Control to make the sale

[This is something I wrote for Kevin Rogers, founder of, an online copywriting community whose motto is ‘Nobody Writes Alone.’ ]

How to use one minute of Mind Control to make the sale

Never end up in a sinking boat on the Fourth of July.
You shoot up your flare gun for help and all you’re gonna get is:

Know why you read all three lines of my joke?


Sounds far-fetched, but it’s true.

Jokes use a tried-and-true formula designed to engage you each step of the way, right up to the payoff.

Execute these four simple steps and you take control of the mind of whoever is listening by winning their attention one line at a time.

Want to know what the four steps are? They’re not a secret.

1) Identity, 2) Struggle, 3) Discovery and 4) Surprise.

Comedians have been controlling the minds of their audiences using these four steps since the first upright man did comedy bits on cave drawings.

“I tell Gork, he do good drawing of large bison figure on rock using mud stick.
Gork say, hey, that not bison, that mother.
I say sorry, I know your mother, need more mud.”

Did you read the entire joke? Of course you did! Know why?


It may not seem like it, but even that lame Stone Age yo mama joke follows these same four steps.

1) Identity – Gork is the joke teller’s friend who does cave drawings on walls
2) Struggle – Joke teller mistakes a mud drawing of Gork’s mother for a bison
3) Discovery – Joke teller knows Gork’s mother, starts to apologize
4) Surprise – instead of an apology, joke teller implies Gork’s mother is larger than a bison by saying he needs to use more mud in the drawing

It works every time once you understand how to use it.

Apply it to that fourth of July boater joke from before:

Never end up in a sinking boat on the Fourth of July.
You shoot up your flare gun for help and all you’re gonna get is:

1) Identity – I’m a boater on the 4th of July
2) Struggle – My boat is sinking
3) Discovery – If I shoot my flare gun I can summon help
4) Surprise – Everyone thinks my flare is just lame fireworks and they let me sink

Using these four steps, every one of us is totally capable of powering someone else’s mind in order to get them to do whatever we desire, to basically “brain hack” someone else’s willpower, even if just for a moment.

What if there was a simple and effective way to use that same type of MIND CONTROL to engage your prospect and make your sale?

That’s actually what my 60-Second Sales Hook method gives you the power to do, to have “One-Minute Mind Control!” over whomever you’re hoping to persuade.

When you’re introducing yourself to a prospect so you can make the sale, you typically get less than a minute of their attention, so to make an impact on them that quickly you have to win their attention ten seconds at a time.

The 60-Second-Sales Hook uses the same four steps that joke tellers use to allow you to create an instant bond with your best prospects because they want to hear you out to the payoff.

Creating customers for life begins with telling your story, so why not use the power of mind control to get potential prospect to listen to yours.

The only difference is, with the 60-Second sales hook, instead of a 4th step surprise, we give them a result, and for sales, that’s the payoff our prospects are looking for.

Iʼm Kevin Rogers, I spent years as a dead-broke
stand-up comedian, until I discovered how a
simple joke formula can be used as an irresistible
sales hook and began teaching marketers how to
use it to skyrocket sales and grow their businesses.
Now, Iʼm one of the most in-demand sales
consultants online, earning more in one month
than I once did in an entire year.

You read that entire thing, didn’t you? I think you know why…


And in marketing, that kind of immediate know, like and trust “MIND CONTROL!” tends to lead directly to closing the sale.

I used the same four steps of the joke formula for my 60-SSH just then, but with a ‘result’ being the big payoff instead of a ‘surprise.’

1) Identity – Kevin Rogers, former standup comedian
2) Struggle – dead broke
3) Discovery – how a simple joke formula can be used as an irresistible sales hook and began teaching marketers how to
use it to skyrocket sales and grow their businesses
4) Result – now, Iʼm one of the most in-demand sales consultants online, earning more in one month than I once did in an entire year

You can easily use the free 60-Second Sales Hook to achieve “One-Minute Mind Control” over any prospect’s brain you spring it on.

But please – only use your powers for good.


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