Enjoy life. This is not a dress rehearsal.
— Friedrich Nietzsche
Welcome to The Joy Strategy, where our goal is to use a universal law to prioritize our daily Joy.
Our feelings are extremely personal, of course, but there are only two basic ‘groups’ of human emotions that even strangers can readily agree on:
- Emotions that bring you joy
- Emotions that don’t
Joy and Not-Joy … it’s truly that simple.
If you haven’t already, please click to read the prior posts in this series:

The Dead People (more about them in a future post) say Joy and Not-Joy are every human’s two fundamental states of being.
At any given point in your day, you are in one of these states or the other.
Meaning that in each minute of your day, you are either in a state of Joy or in a state of Not-Joy.
Even when you feel neutral, it’s considered a state of Joy since it isn’t Not-Joy.
Contrary to modern assumptions, us being in one of these two states doesn’t have to depend on external forces or chance or luck or random default.
It can actually become a conscious, ongoing choice we make ourselves.
A choice we can begin to strategize.
It breaks down like this:
As your day unfolds, each moment triggers thoughts which trigger emotions.
Take out the personal narratives, and each emotion you feel brings you either Joy or Not-Joy.
That’s regardless of what specifically triggered it or how consciously aware of it you are.
Same with me, same with everybody,
Yes, your emotions are unique and specific to you and so are mine to me.
But in terms of feeling Joy and Not-Joy, they’re essentially the same for both of us.
Here’s what I mean.

What makes you upset and me upset might be totally different.
But for both of us, being upset brings the same feeling of Not-Joy.
Remember, we’re not comparing the personal narratives, just the results.
The Not-Joy you feel from, say, being rejected at the nightclub or from losing your job or from having a fight with your spouse has the same general feeling as the Not-Joy I feel when I stub my toe again or have my important flight cancelled or show up late to a meeting – they all feel various levels of yucky.
And each of us understands what yucky feels like, at least in general.
Your yucky and my yucky are equally yucky to each of us.
In the same way, Joy feels as yummy to you as it does to me, regardless of what triggered it.
Your Joy might come from being in love or eating chocolate or buying the perfect leather couch, and mine might come from getting my dream job or bicycling or making my bed every morning.
For both us, though, it’s the same yummy feeling all around – Joy.
Joy is yummy, Not-Joy is yucky. For all of us.
A happy life involves experiencing more Joy throughout your day than Not-Joy.
The Joy Strategy is a fun, proven plan to work more Joy into your day.
Want a truly happy life?
Make it your daily goal to create more Joy than Not-Joy moments for yourself.
Why, exactly?
Well, first, obviously, because feeling Joy feels way better than feeling Not-Joy.
Ten out of ten doctors agree, healthy humans prefer yum over yuck.
But more importantly, your Joy and Not-Joy levels dictate the signal of your metaphysical radio.
Remember that thing?

Our radio that broadcasts and receives a signal to the source of the universe all day long.
Whether we know it (or like it) or not.
On the road trip that is your life, your metaphysical radio is cranked up to full volume, always.
That’s just the way it’s built.
The signal it sends is the one that the universe, the source, is directly tapped into all day.
Every hour we are awake, our radio is broadcasting a signal through the mental dialogue we let run free in our head.
Except you get to choose whether that signal is tuned to Joy or Not-Joy.
And whether your radio is blasting your dramatic mental Soap Opera or something more Joyful.
When we don’t make that choice on purpose, though, then that choice is made for us by default.
Whether we know it (or like it) or not.
A creative brain is hungry for drama and will blast future and past Not-Joy plot lines if you let it.
That’s the Not-Joy soap opera that the old fellah in the truck thought he was stuck with.
The good news?
With your metaphysical Joy Radio, you can change that station from Not-Joy back to Joy whenever you want.
Understanding this allows you to switch frequencies to your own benefit.
A benefit that becomes possible once you begin to better understand the universal law that controls all of this.
The universal Law of Attraction is also referred to as the Law of Cause and Effect.
It’s as real as the Law of Gravity, but it’s far more subtle, so it gets way less press.
The Law of Attraction says that whatever signal we broadcast, we get more of it sent back to us.
In other words, the universe listens to your metaphysical radio signal, your mental soap opera, and eventually sends you back more of the same.

We’ll go over how we can begin using the Law of Attraction to our own advantage in the next post.
See you then.
Pingback: JOY STRATEGY [2]: How Your Joy Radio Works - Mike Lukas