You are currently viewing JOY STRATEGY [7]: Why the Law of Attraction is Unlike the Law of Gravity

JOY STRATEGY [7]: Why the Law of Attraction is Unlike the Law of Gravity

I don't trip. I do random gravity checks.

Welcome to The Joy Strategy, where our goal is to use the universal Law of Attraction to prioritize our daily Joy.

Imagine if you woke up one day and had no idea that gravity existed.


If you haven’t already, please click to read the prior posts in this series:

You try to levitate out of bed but (to your surprise) your feet keep hitting the floor.

You take off your pajamas, they drop to the ground, and you’re shocked.

In the bathroom, you let go of your toothbrush, it falls into the sink, and you have no clue why.

Nervous, you call out to your partner, “Hon, why is everything in the house not floating?”

Your kind lover responds, “Because, silly, floating in the air here on earth is against the law…of gravity.”

Thankfully, we humans learn about the Law of Gravity as children.

Ever watch a baby in a highchair drop parts of their lunch over the edge?

They’re using broccoli and the floor to learn about The Law of Gravity.

When that same toddler starts bawling after they fall on their diapered butt trying to walk?

It’s because they just used their legs, ass and the floor to learn more about The Law of Gravity.

In fact, by the time that same kid can start saying words, they understand the Law of Gravity so well that they have already adjusted their entire life around it.

As in, the way they move from A to B, how they play with their toys, the way they approach eating and jumping…

…all of it now takes into account the Law of Gravity.

And they most likely have no conscious clue that they’ve done this or that it’s happening.

The exact opposite is true with regards to the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction works like this – the universe eventually gives you more of whatever you focus on.

Good or bad, Joy or Not-Joy, whatever you send out, the universe gives you more of it back.

Sometimes right away, but most times it takes a while.

Sounds simple, but the Law of Attraction gets plenty confusing if you don’t know it exists.

And that it works even if you’re clueless to it.

Which many of us happen to be. 

Not our fault.

Unlike with the Law of Gravity, we are not forced at an early age to learn the Law of Attraction.

Nor are we taught it in science class.

In fact, most of us are totally clueless to the Law of Attraction, maybe because it is not organically learned so it’s less obvious and tougher to figure out.

The effects of the Law of Attraction aren’t as instantaneous as those of gravity.

Sometimes it can take days, weeks, months or longer for the effects of certain causes to show up.

Unlike with gravity, which kicks in instantaneously.

Imagine if you dropped your shoe but it didn’t fall for a month – would you even know that the two things had anything to do with each other, let alone they were following a universal law? 

That must be why it takes so long for most of us to learn about the Law of Attraction, if we ever do.

Because the effects we experience and their causes often seem unrelated, so it is not logical to put the two of them together in one category.

We might get a sense of the Law of Attraction as kids in the car counting Volkswagen Bugs on the road.

“There’s another one! Wow!”

Or when we become old enough to drive to work and hit nothing but red lights the whole way.

“There’s another one! Damn!”

I first heard about the Law of Attraction from Rhonda Byrne’s book The Secret.

And if I’m honest, I thought it was a bit hokey at first.

The way Rhonda put it, through this “law of attraction” you “manifest” your desires.

According to her, “It is exactly like placing an order from a catalog.”

“Too easy,” I said, finger pointed and head shaking. “Red flag. False prophet. Horse dookie.”

It sounded to me like she was appealing to the lazy people who didn’t want to do the hard work it takes to succeed, who would rather wish for the things they desire instead of busting their butt working for it.

That wasn’t me. “I work my tail off to get what I want.”

To which the Dead People said, “Whoa, easy there, cowboy. You might be misunderstanding the Law of Attraction and the purpose of life.”

Turns out I was. 


We Make Life Far More Difficult Than it Has to Be!

I grew up in an era where the mantra “No pain, no gain” ruled supreme.

Work your azz off, reap the rewards.

Life is challenging, so I gotta tackle all the problems that randomly come to me.

Effort my way through life more than the next guy.

The Dead People actually advise us to go easy on the “efforting.”

Instead, use the Law of Attraction to flip that script entirely.

They say life sends you experiences that match your life condition and your energy, your frequency, your output, and your causes.

Meaning, whatever signal we broadcast from our metaphysical radio, we eventually get more of it sent right back to us.

The universe listens to your metaphysical radio signal and sends you back more of the same.

More Joy or more Not-Joy, whichever one you happen to broadcast more frequently.

That’s just the way that universal law works.

The concept of Cause and Effect is essentially the same and works like this:

Every effect (result) in your life has a specific and predictable cause.

Every cause (action) in your life has a specific and predictable effect.

You can look up ‘cause and effect’ online and they’ll give you plenty of examples:

  • When water is heated, the molecules move quickly, therefore the water boils
  • A tornado blew the roof off the house, so the family had to find another place to live
  • Because the alarm was not set, we were late for work

Here’s those same examples in terms of Cause and Effect:

  • Heat up water (cause), it boils (effect).
  • Tornado wrecks house (cause), family must move (effect).
  • No alarm set (cause), late for work (effect).


So how does that relate to us as the seekers of more Joy?

Understanding the idea of Cause and Effect helps us to realize that all the things we currently have in our own lives are effects that are the results of specific and prior causes.

Meaning, look around.

Every single thing you see in your current reality is an effect that resulted from a prior cause you made.

This is a universal truth as certain as gravity and math.

And here is where we get to use this truth to our own advantage.

Are the effects you’re currently experiencing in your life not bringing you Joy?

Do you not like what you see and feel in the world you’ve created?

The fix is simple – make better, more Joyful causes.

Better, more Joyful effects will then follow.

For example… 

Rather have cold water instead of boiled? 

Add ice (new cause), it chills (new effect).

Rather avoid tornadoes and having no roof? 

Live where there are no tornadoes (new cause), house keeps its roof (new effect)

Rather get to work on time?

Set your alarm consistently (new cause), on time for job (new effect)

When we make more Joyful causes, one of the many Joyful effects it has is to switch the metaphysical radio signal of ours over to the Joy Station.

Then the universe reads that signal, and the Law of Attraction kicks in and more Joy is sent back to us.

Begin to do this more often, and suddenly momentum organically builds and your day is filled with more Joy moments than Not-Joy moments.

Ask yourself: are the effects you’re currently experiencing bringing you Joy? 

If yes, then do more of whatever it is you’re already doing and the Law of Cause and Effect will absolutely continue to attract even more Joy to you.

If not, then creating a Joy Strategy for yourself could help you fundamentally change that.

But first, to make Joyful causes more often than Not-Joyful ones, it helps to understand the difference between your reaction and your response.

I’ll go over that in the next post.

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